Episode Transcript

This episode will cover the indications of too much oil and teach you when it's time to shampoo. I teach my customers to observe their hair in the mirror every morning. I tell them not to shampoo if they are having a perfect hair day. A good hair day is the result of a proper oil balance. Shampooing a day too early never allows you to get to a perfect hair day. So, I developed the three indications and signs for when there is too much oil in your hair.

The first sign that there is too much oil is that the hair is too shiny. Hair is supposed to have a certain level of shine to it and not be dull. The second indication is that the hair gets a couple of shades darker. When the hair is void of oil, it becomes a lighter color and again dull and flat. The third indication is that you lose your volume and the hair starts to look heavy. Hair has the best volume when there is a perfect oil balance. When you see these three signs, that's when you should shampoo.

If you are paying close attention to these signs, then you will always know when to shampoo and not jump the gun and shampoo a day too early. Remember, when you have a good hair day, it's due to a perfect oil balance, so the worst thing to do when you’re having a good hair day is to shampoo. The best thing to do usually is to wait another day and assess your hair first thing the next morning.

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