Episode Transcript

This podcast discusses how the lack of oil in your hair causes frizz! Are you tired of your hair feeling like a hopeless frizzy mess? Do you want to know what causes your hair to be frizzy? The answer is that the root cause is 'a lack of oil'. But, this podcast is going to focus on the best products for the cause.

My advice is to put the products that mostly consist of water aside, because what you really need are oils. Some oils are better than others, but remember, nothing can beat your natural oils! But we are going to talk about the difference between the most used oils on the market today. Those oils are Argan, Olive, Coconut, and Moroccan. Before I tell you which of these oils are recommended, I'll remind you why oils are superior for frizz. Oils have the ability to be absorbed and saturate the center of the hair shaft, which creates soft silky hair.

There are two oils that are superior to others. Those oils are Olive and Coconut. The problem with Argan and Moroccan are that they're difficult to distribute evenly. This means that these oils can make the hair heavy in areas where they are absorbed the most. The other problem with these two oils is that they make the hair become stiff instead of soft. When hair is stiff rather than soft, the hair becomes difficult to manage and style. Also, when hair is stiff, it loses its movement.

My recommendations are to stay away from Moroccan and Argan oils and use products that have Olive and Coconut for their ability to be easily distributed and because they are much lighter in the hair. So as products go for frizzy hair, those are my expert recommendations to use for your frizzy hair.

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